Gogi Almond Latte For Lifebox
Friday, July 3rd, 2015 by Laura Thomas - 1 Comment / Posted in Recipe Post

If any of you guys followed the old blog, you might remember that I totally FREAKED when Lifebox came on the scene, and every month when that pretty white box shows up, I fangirl hard and post that shit to Instagram. If you don’t know about Lifebox then let me fill you in; Lifebox is one of…
That’s My Jam – June
Saturday, June 27th, 2015 by Laura Thomas - No Comments / Posted in That's My Jam

Hey guys! June blew by FAST! Woof. I’ve pulled together some of the things I’ve been vibing on this month which I think you’ll dig too! Let me know what you think in the comments, have you tried any of them already? Is there anything you’re excited to check out! Tell me, tell me! …
Shaved Brussels Sprout and Kale Salad
Friday, June 19th, 2015 by Laura Thomas - 1 Comment / Posted in Recipe Post

Guys. This salad is insane. Like, batshit. there’s pretty much nothing it can’t do. It’s got salty pistachios, tart fruit, sweet corn, a spicy chilli-lime dressing, bitter greens, creamy avocado, and briny pickled onions. Basically unstoppable. Doesn’t hurt that it’s hella pretty either. When I started this blog, I made a promise to myself that…
Coconut Coffee Scrub
Friday, June 12th, 2015 by Laura Thomas - No Comments / Posted in Recipe Post

So, I’m not one for fussy bath and body products. You won’t find three hundred different body washes and weird scrubs chillin’ around the side of my shower. I pretty much just stick to a cleanser, toner, and moisturiser for my face, (the same one I’ve been using for.ever.) and a dry body brush and some…
Cashew cheese sauce (and kale-quinoa bowl)
Friday, June 5th, 2015 by Laura Thomas - No Comments / Posted in Recipe Post

YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE THIS RECIPE. Ok so, it’s not a total looker, but it’s seriously delicious. Let your taste buds be the judge! When I was a kid, I more or less subsisted entirely on mac and cheese. My mum made the effin best ooey, gooey, super cheesy mac and cheese in the…